Owain Ryan Llewellyn-Pace

Senior Instructor - Cardiff Central (UK)

I started my journey into martial arts at the age of just seven. My father was keen for me to learn an essential skill and art that would teach me discipline and to defend myself. I am a direct disciple of Sifu Lai who through himself and his senior black belts have taught me for over 25 years.

I was one of the youngest ever black belts at the age of just 12 and in the same year I became the national junior NPC champion. I am now a sixth degree black belt and one of my Sifu’s senior instructors.


Through my time learning martial arts, I have trained under a number of instructors including those of other disciplines such as Judo, Jujutsu, Aikido and Taekwondo. One of my great life ambitions and achievements was to train with Si Gung (grandmaster) Quek in Malaysia. These encounters have given me an invaluable insight into the diverse and extraordinary art that is Shaolin Kung Fu. In addition I have also had the opportunity to train with Si Gung Leow Cheng Koon and his modern approach to combat strategy and the art.


I have entered and trained teams in many competitions in my time and I was proud to produce the next national junior champion, who hailed from my current class Cardiff Central.


I have also used the art to work as a doorman for a security firm and have taught many seminars on the art of self-defence regardless of age or gender.


I am an advocate of keeping up with the current knowledge and techniques of keeping fit and healthy and my classes offer a balanced approach from fitness to self-defence. Our classes, whilst rich in knowledge, are fun and are a great way to socialise, so you are welcome to come and train with us at any time.

Nic Chown

Instructor - Cardiff Roath (UK)

I first started training in Kung Fu during a very difficult period in my life. I had been suffering with a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia for over three years and my body had been ruined through a self-destructive lifestyle of drugs and ill-living. I wanted change and sought ways to better myself and make myself stronger.


I first started training in a very traditional style of Kung Fu in 2007 and came to discover Nam Pai Chuan in 2008. After training in NPC for four months, I decided to dedicate myself to this system. I found that NPC challenged me, never in a way that left me feeling demoralised or frustrated, but somehow in a way that built my confidence with each session. I felt myself progressing and the steady decline that was so apparent in my life slowly became reversed. The training proved to me that with the application of hard work, improvement is possible and this gave me hope for the future and the confidence to change other things in my life. I can say honestly and without any exaggeration that training in this system saved my life.


To me the content of NPC feels limitless. It manages to include both traditional and modern training methods and techniques. It is both artistic, in its beautifully crafted forms, and realistic, in its focus on practical self-defence.


Training with NPC awoke within me a passion for movement and I now hold multiple qualifications in exercise, fitness and personal training. In my current job role I have become an authority on the use of exercise to improve mental health and I deliver lectures and seminars on this very subject.


Training in and teaching this art always provides me with something new to learn and ways to develop, grow and become stronger. It is my hope that this journey will continue for the rest of my life.

Alberto Fox

Instructor - Cardiff University, Wales (UK)

I started training in the system with Sigung Lai in 1994 at the Hodford Hall Centre in Golders Green.


I started helping out with instructor duties since 1996 and finally became instructor at the Cardiff University Club in 1998.


Since starting at Cardiff we have managed to grow the system’s presence in Wales from one club to five throughout Wales.


My class focuses on functional fitness not only for martial arts development but also for a healthy lifestyle. I have a keen interest in both the traditional and contemporary aspects of Kung Fu. I have ran several self-defence courses and taken part in many local and national sparring competitions.


I have a keen interest in all martial arts and have been lucky to train under a few different styles over the years.


I enjoy running, swimming yoga and pilates in my spare time.

Alun Rishko

Instructor - Aberaeron, Wales (UK)

My name is Alun Rishko, and I have been practising and training in Nam Pai Chuan since 1992. I began learning and gained my black belt from NPC Cardiff. In 2003 I moved to Aberaeron in West Wales, to pursue a career as a GP. I opened my own centre, and have had the pleasure of teaching NPC there since. My classes are of mixed ages and abilities, and I teach children from six years and older in a dedicated children’s class.


I travel to London frequently to continue my education of NPC from Sifu Lai and his seniors, and I currently hold a fourth degree black belt from the system. It gives me great pleasure in passing my knowledge of Nam Pai Chuan on to the next generation of practitioners, to help secure its future, and hopefully give other people the same enjoyment, physical and mental benefits, that I’ve had from learning and practising the art.


Why NPC Kung Fu?

Learning something new
Our classes are a great way to learn something new and different. We consider ourselves to be the thinking person's art.
Gym etiquette during Coronavirus epidemic
If you feel unwell and have either a fever, a bad cough or cold, it is best to stay away from class and see a doctor or get some medication. Frequently clean hands by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.  Wash your hands before and after training for at least 30 seconds, with
Sifu’s System Message – 28th June 2024
When a lay person approaches the study of a “Martial Art” there may be many questions and “unknowingness” in his or her mind. Why should this concern you, as a Teacher (or black or senior  belt) who he/she approaches ? It must matter – because it will have been many years ago when you were
Why NPC Kung Fu is good for adults
Our classes provide a fun environment where adults can escape from life pressures.
The Ancient Martial Art of Shaolin Lohan Kung Fu Rite of 35 Chambers  The Lohan Sect (Group or Association) existed in China for over 1,650 years. They were the founders of the “White Lotus Society,” one of the few groups authorized to teach non-Buddhists the secrets of Shaolin Kung Fu. Shaolin monks were considered among
Dealing with bullying
Our training helps our children grow in confidence, which fosters a positive behaviour and prevents any tendencies to want to bully.
Improving behaviour
Our classes teach respect, politeness and having good manners and this helps foster and develop better behaviour overall.
Learning self defence
Learning to defend yourself or your family is a priority to most people. Our classes deal with various aspects of self defence.

About Us


We are one of the largest and most respected Shaolin Kung Fu schools in the world.

Our style originates from the Shaolin temples in northern and southern China, and is taught at centres around the world.

We employ traditional training methods which have been used for centuries to teach Kung Fu to Shaolin monks, alongside more modern methods to help our students learn self-defence techniques and improve their fitness.



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NPC Shaolin Kung Fu