Annual Membership

Being a member of one of the largest Kung Fu organisations our members have the opportunity to train at any of our schools globally. In addition they will be able to take part in specialised weekend courses in the UK and training holidays abroad. We also have our own national competitions which our members can take part in. We also provide the opportunity for our members to take part in competitions organised by the British Council for Chinese Martial Arts (BCCMA).

Please contact your local centre for prices.

Prices include insurance with the British Council for Chinese Martial Arts (BCCMA) who are an accredited governing body.

Your Commitment

Nam Pai Chuan Shaolin Kung Fu is a complex martial art with intricacies that take time and patience to perfect and can only be taught from an experienced master to a dedicated student.

Unlike some fitness classes where students are welcome to drop in when they like, we believe that in order to become a martial artist, regular training is essential and students should respect the value of the knowledge they are given.

We invite new students to attend at least two or three sessions to experience the style of training we offer, before deciding whether to join one of our centres.

After this point we ask them to pay for a training uniform and to join the British Council for Chinese Martial Arts (BCCMA). We also ask them to make a commitment to their training by attending at least once a week and training outside of class to maintain their fitness and practice the techniques they learn. In return, we are committed to passing on techniques that will help them to learn Shaolin Kung Fu and to evolve as a martial artist for as long as they continue to train with us.

Find a class near you and join today!


Why NPC Kung Fu?

Getting fit and losing weight
Going to the gym can be boring. Our classes can help you in losing weight, getting fit and having fun.
Sifu’s System Message – 28th June 2024
When a lay person approaches the study of a “Martial Art” there may be many questions and “unknowingness” in his or her mind. Why should this concern you, as a Teacher (or black or senior  belt) who he/she approaches ? It must matter – because it will have been many years ago when you were
Learning something new
Our classes are a great way to learn something new and different. We consider ourselves to be the thinking person's art.
Building friendships
Our classes are a great way to meet new people and make new friends. Friendships are built on a shared interest and understanding.
Gym etiquette during Coronavirus epidemic
If you feel unwell and have either a fever, a bad cough or cold, it is best to stay away from class and see a doctor or get some medication. Frequently clean hands by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.  Wash your hands before and after training for at least 30 seconds, with
Building self-confidence
Our classes work on building a solid foundation with attainable objectives, which help increase our children's overall confidence.
Meeting new people and making new friends
Our classes are a great way to meet new people. Our students come from all walks of life.
2022 Chinese New Year Greeting
Chinese New Year Greeting from Master Lai: I wish all our Chinese members, and those that follow Chinese traditions, the very best of good fortune, good health and happiness in this New Tiger Year ! Ride the Tiger in the most enjoyable way and make him work for you!! Always in our ART Sifu 1st

About Us


We are one of the largest and most respected Shaolin Kung Fu schools in the world.

Our style originates from the Shaolin temples in northern and southern China, and is taught at centres around the world.

We employ traditional training methods which have been used for centuries to teach Kung Fu to Shaolin monks, alongside more modern methods to help our students learn self-defence techniques and improve their fitness.



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NPC Shaolin Kung Fu