Sifu Lai , the Founder and Head of the Nampaichuan System does not teach private lessons in mainstream NPC except in very exceptional circumstances.

In Sifu’s view mainstream NPC is almost always best transmitted in general classes where students have an opportunity to train with a variety of other students of varying ages, sizes and skill levels. That way one learns the Art in a more pragmatic manner.

He does occasionally teach NPC Chi Gung – as Chi Gung is a skill that suits small group or one on one guidance. Enquiries on this may be made to the System Administrator.

It should also be noted that it is impolite and lacking in protocol to approach other black belts or instructors (whether senior or junior) that assist Sifu in his classes.

This merely shows a lack of the cultural correctness that we in the Far East value.

Correspondingly it is impolitic and ill-mannered for such instructors (whether senior or junior) to take up requests for students in Sifu’s class to teach them without Sifu’s express knowledge and authority duly recorded at Administration.

Instructors should be aware that before they suit themselves they should suit the System to which they belong.

April 2019


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About Us


We are one of the largest and most respected Shaolin Kung Fu schools in the world.

Our style originates from the Shaolin temples in northern and southern China, and is taught at centres around the world.

We employ traditional training methods which have been used for centuries to teach Kung Fu to Shaolin monks, alongside more modern methods to help our students learn self-defence techniques and improve their fitness.



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